These are the rules contributors agree to when they deposit files in tDAR.
The contributor is the person or institution responsible for the files and metadata contributed to tDAR.
The Center for Digital Antiquity (Digital Antiquity) supports an “open access” approach to sharing of archaeological information. Accordingly, the contributor recognizes that the files and metadata contributed to tDAR can be shared with tDAR users. There are, however, certain situations in which Digital Antiquity believes information should be treated as confidential or otherwise restricted, as further addressed in this Contributor’s Agreement.
A. Authority, Appropriateness, and Accuracy
The contributor certifies that the contributor has the authority to make the contributed files and metadata available in tDAR under all applicable laws, including the laws and regulations of the country, state, or municipality where any sites described in the data or metadata are located.
The contributor agrees to add only content consistent with Digital Antiquity’s Accession Policy.
The contributor is responsible for the accuracy of the files and metadata contributed to tDAR. Digital Antiquity is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of files or metadata in tDAR.
B. License, Copyright, and Re-use
The contributor acknowledges that all active metadata records in tDAR are publicly accessible and their use is unrestricted.
The contributor acknowledges that Digital Antiquity makes tDAR files available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License uunless contributor explicitly specifies, in the metadata or file, other terms for the distribution of the file.
C. Confidential and Embargoed Information
The contributor recognizes that the files and metadata contributed to tDAR can be shared with tDAR users.
Because all active metadata records in tDAR are publicly accessible, Digital Antiquity will make reasonable efforts to obfuscate from public view any highly precise, mapped site locations contained in the contributor’s metadata unless the contributor has specified that the site location(s) are widely and publically known and that information about the location(s) is in the public domain. Site location data in the file(s) uploaded will not be modified by Digital Antiquity, except when arrangements are made to have Digital Antiquity staff create redacted versions of the file(s).
The contributor agrees to make a reasonable effort to designate as “confidential” any contributed file that would be reasonably expected to endanger in situ archaeological sites if it were made publicly available. The contributor assumes any liability for improper disclosure of information that contributor should have, but did not, designate as confidential.
If the contributor marks an uploaded file as “confidential,” Digital Antiquity will take reasonable efforts to ensure that access to that file is limited to the contributor and other registered tDAR users designated by the contributor or by a proxy assigned by the contributor.
If the contributor marks an uploaded file as “embargoed,” Digital Antiquity will take reasonable efforts to limit access to that file for a period of four years from the date of upload to the contributor and other registered tDAR users designated by the contributor or by a proxy assigned by the contributor.
D. Users’ Terms of Use
The contributor acknowledges that Digital Antiquity requires users to agree to its Terms of Use prior to downloading any file, but that Digital Antiquity cannot guarantee the enforcement of those terms.
E. Unacceptable Content
The contributor agrees not to include as content for the tDAR repository, material that contains Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, driver license numbers, or similar information. Documents or other data found to contain this kind of information will be returned to the contributor for redaction.
F. Resolution of Issues Concerning tDAR Content
Digital Antiquity is concerned about the security of site locations, copyright violations, inappropriate content, appropriate control over records, culturally sensitive information, and related issues regarding tDAR files and metadata.
The contributor acknowledges that:
- Issues concerning content may arise either through internal reviews or from external reports that Digital Antiquity receives;
- Digital Antiquity will review all such issues raised and that during such review, files and associated metadata may be withdrawn from public access;
- In attempting to resolve issues, Digital Antiquity will attempt to solicit comment both from the reporter of the issue and from the contributor, using the contributor’s most recent email address on file with Digital Antiquity;
- Having reviewed the issue, Digital Antiquity will, at its sole discretion, determine the appropriate resolution which may include the removal or redaction of materials from tDAR;
- Under no circumstances will Digital Antiquity refund any deposit fee or assume any cost or liability incurred by the contributor related to contributing or distributing the contested information.
G. Refund of Deposit Fees
tDAR’s operations and long-term sustainability depend on user upload fees, so we generally do not issue refunds. If the contributor is dissatisfied with how their digital resources are archived, the contributor should contact us, and we will work with them to resolve the issue. The uploader is responsible for ensuring proper pricing; any discrepancies in funding are the responsibility of the resource owner and/or uploader. In certain cases, we may issue a credit. If the contributor encounters any issues, please reach out, and we will do our best to address their concerns and ensure their satisfaction.
From time to time the Board of Directors of the Center for Digital Antiquity at its discretion will add to or modify its Policies and Procedures.