Earlier this year the Board of the American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA) @acracrm endorsed and posted on the ACRA website two important documents promoting the sharing of data (e.g., reports and other documents, images, data sets, and other kinds of digital files) among archaeologists and other cultural resource specialists in CRM, academic and museum positions, public agencies, and other organizations. One is a three-page policy document focused on promoting greater synergy between academic professionals and the CRM industry. The document, which stresses the benefits of and need for greater communication and collaboration, presents recommendations of an ACRA task force, led by Duane Peter, that worked on the issue. The second document, “Digital Data Curation and Access: Why You and Your Organization should be Actively Involved”, summarizing the reasons for and benefits of greater sharing of data.
Additional publications concerning digital archaeology and data curation, including reports, case studies, and other helpful materials, can be found on the Digital Antiquity Publications page.