Sébastien Plutniak research stay at the Center for Digital Antiquity / SHESC (May 1st–June 30th)

Sébastien Plutniak is researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and currently works at the CITERES laboratory, in Tours. His background is sociology and history of science (PhD) and archaeology (MA), with a strong flavor of computational methods. He will stay at the Center for Digital Antiquity from May 1st to June 30th, funded by the European SEADDA COST Action (Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Age) – of which the CDA is a partner.
Sébastien will work on his “archeoViz” project, a web application to visualize, interactively explore, and quickly and seamlessly deploy and communicate spatialized archaeological data at site’s scale.
Distributed as an R package, archeoViz can be used locally on a personal computer or deployed on a server. It can be run statically with a specific dataset or dynamically by loading data through its interface. Static instances of archeoViz are indexed on the archeoViz portal. During his stay, Sébastien will learn from the tDAR team’s experience, develop methods to connect tDAR and archeoViz, and set up visualizations of tDAR datasets.
Besides his interest in archaeological data representation and processing, Sébastien’s other lines of investigation deal with archaeology on Islands throughout Southeast Asia, the history and theory of formal approaches in the humanities and the social sciences, the history of prehistoric archaeology in Western Europe, the philosophy of the social sciences (epistemology and ontology, including archaeology).
During these two months, he will be more than happy to exchange with anyone at SHESC interested in these questions, and beyond!
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/sebplutniak
See also:
- archeoViz on Sébastien’s Github page
- Sébastien’s publications in open access